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The length of the body, between the point of the shoulder and the point of the buttock, slightly exceeds the height at the withers. The length of the snout is about 1/6 of the total length of the head.
Height at withers: Males: 27-35 cm. Females: 24-32 cm. A deviation of 1 cm above and below the standard is tolerated.
Minimum weight: males 8 kg - females 7 kg
Maximum weight: males not exceeding 14 kg - females not exceeding 13 kg, 0.5 KG if the dog is in type are tolerated
HEAD: square in shape, very wide and strong. The skin that covers it forms folds and wrinkles almost symmetrical, without exceeding, the nose slightly or moderately inclined backwards and facing upwards (nose upwards).
SKULL: wide, almost flat from ear to ear. Prominent superciliary arches, separated by a furrow particularly developed between the eyes. This furrow must not however extend to the front. External occipital crest is poorly developed
STOP: deeply accentuated (as in the characteristics of the short-haired dogs).
TRUFFLE: wide, mandatory color black. It is backed up and very short, tilted backwards and facing upwards upwards, it must still allow normal breathing.
MUSO: The length of the snout is about 1/6 of the total length of the head, very short, wide, with symmetrical and concentric lines.
LABBRA: thick, a little loose, black; the upper ones join in the central point, with the lower ones, completely covering the teeth, which must never be visible. Even the language should never be visible. The profile of the upper lip is descending and rounded.
MASCELLE: wide, square, powerful. The angle of the lower jaw must be open, so as to allow the jaw to project forward along a wide curve, and to terminate in front of the upper jaw, which it practically surrounds, must not show lateral deviations or twists. . The prominence of the lower jaw and the bending of the sides of the lower jaw, in search of contact, towards the upper incisors, are necessary if two serious defects are to be avoided: enognatism and excessive prognathism. The distance between the upper and lower incisors is not strictly established, but it is essential that the upper and lower lips come together to completely cover the teeth.
TEETH: the arch of the incisors must be rounded, to avoid the overlapping of the teeth, and at the same time set on a horizontal plane, to avoid lateral deviations of the canines. The lower incisors are placed in front of the upper incisors, the incisors and the canines are sufficiently developed. The complete bite is appreciated
GUANCE: well developed.
EYES: with lively expression, inserted at the bottom, rather far from the nose and above all from the ears, dark in color, quite large, well rounded, slightly protruding; however, they do not show white parts (sclera) when the dog looks ahead. The eyelid rhymes must be black.
EARS: medium-sized, wide at the base and rounded at the top. Bring erect on the head, called "bat". The bearing of the ears is one of the main features that distinguishes the breed. The skin must be thin and sweet to the touch
NECK: short, strong and slightly arched, without dewlap.
BODY: Upper line: the back forms a curve that rises towards the highest point of the kidneys, so-called roach-back, is typical of the breed
TRUNK: harmonious with respect to the whole and of right width, the length of the body, between the point of the shoulder and the point of the buttock, slightly exceeds the height at the withers. The abdomen must be detected backwards towards the kidneys. The wide and muscular back. Exceptionally broad and powerful chest.
RENE: short, broad and arched.
GROPPA: inclined
VENTRE E FIANCHI: dating without being levitated.
BREAST: exceptionally wide and powerful, seen from the front, wide and square. Cylindrical and well descended (slightly below the elbows); ribs very well circled, called "barrel".
TAIL: short naturally, hanging inserted low and low, long enough to cover the anus. Its shape is called "button". The bearing also in action must remain under the horizontal, tail folded, knotted, broken and relatively long without reaching the point of the hock is allowed
MUSCULATURE: well developed and evident on the whole body, especially in the hind limbs.
ARTS: both the hindquarters and the front ones must be in a straight line with a strong and always well proportioned structure. They must be short and strong.
REAR: they are solid and muscular, slightly longer than the front ones, thus making the rear higher, straight on top both in profile and from behind.
Shoulder: of correct length and position and oblique.
Arm: short, thick, muscular, slightly curved.
FOREAM: short, straight and muscular.

FEET: small, round ("cat's"), resting well on the ground. Fingers very compact with high joints, and thick and well-separated short nails, the nail often black, the anterior can be slightly left-handed.
ELBOW: tight and close to the body.
THIGH: solid and very muscular
GARRETTO: well oblique, neither too angled nor too straight.
TARSO: solid.
STEP AND MOVEMENT: the limbs move parallel to the median plane of the body seen both in profile and in front. Movement loose, soft and powerful.
SKIN: well adherent in all parts of the body.
COAT: thick, satin, soft and shiny hair, without undercoat, of equal length throughout the body; always smooth, plentiful.
BRINDLE / BRINGEE: fawn coat with dark stripes that create a "brindle" effect, particularly striated cloaks do not have to completely cover the basic fawn color. A black mask can be present. A limited white spot is allowed.
FULVO: uniform coat, in all shades, with or without black mask, more pleasing with a black mask. A limited white stain may be present.
CAILLE: Brindle / Bringe is with a slight white or intrusive stain: called "pied", ideally the spot is distributed over the whole animal. Some mosquitoes on the skin (SPOT) are allowed
Fawn with a slight or invasive white spot: "white and fawn", generally the stain is distributed throughout the animal. Some mosquitoes on the skin (SPOT) are allowed. The truffle is always black, never blue or brown.
TOTAL WHITE: white completions, they are allowed only if with the eyelid edges and the black truffle, but they do not have to be reared for this purpose since they are very much at risk of deafness.
BLUE / Merle / Black and Tan / Lillac: in the experimentation phase the reproductivity is followed by specific controls by the Breed Clubs.
Any deviation can be considered a more or less serious defect in the evaluation phase:
· "White socks" on the feet in bringeè and fulvi.
· In the tawny mantle, a dark trail extending along the spine.
· Light nails.
· Strong presence of moschettatura in the caille.
· Strong presence of red spots in white and fawn.
· Aggressive or very fearful dog.
· Any dog ​​showing physical or character abnormalities must be disqualified.
· Type deficiency: Insufficient ethnic characteristics that do not allow the dog to be compared to other subjects of the breed.


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